Dear Prospective Directors, I am writing to inform you of the details and deadlines of the application process. Please find the details below:
Once you are assigned countries by completing the previous form described above, you will be able to view the countries assigned to your school and assign students.
Before assigning students, ensure they have signed up for MediBook and selected your school.
Please regularly check the page where you completed your delegation application to track your application status and see when countries are assigned.
As students register themselves, there is no need to collect their personal information manually.
If you assign more than two students to special committees, one may be rejected due to space limitations.
Age Requirement: Students must be between 15 and 19 years old by 7th February 2024 (conference days) to be eligible for selection.
Once you have completed the student assignments, we will review and approve them. You will then receive an invoice under the "Invoices" page within the "School Management" section.
All attendees (delegates, chairs, members, managers and school directors) of the 20th Annual Session need to create individual accounts to be able to attend. We recommend you inform all your students that they need to create an account as soon as possible to avoid delays. You can complete all application processes except the last one (Student Assignment) before your students create accounts. Since your students enter their own data, you don't need to collect their personal information. You can also access the personal details they enter on MediBook and even edit them. Make sure your students use the previous email address they have used to attend in previous sessions for them to be able to access past certificates.
For further details on the application process, please visit
Should you have any questions, require additional assistance or have feedback, please feel free to contact us.
Yours sincerely,
Ms. Elay Sener